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What we did:

This robot went under many revisions. We started off using a long chassis dry base and a raised wooden platform to protect the electronics from the arm. Our vision was to make an extendable arm that would set hatches for all levels of the rocket, but was changed after our mentoring teams devised a better plan. We went with a robot that could quickly fill in the bottom level of hatches for all of the cargo ships, and it proved to be effective.


After securing a spot in World's at Houston, we made major revisions to our robot. We removed the base since the wood was splitting and replaced it with a aluminum base. On top of that, we added a cargo intake on top of the previous arm to widen our possible abilities.



The programming team worked intensely on the control of the robot, in terms of the driving and the control of the arms. Each part of the code had problems as our team changed controllers and changed values to best balance speed and accuracy.

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